Three Men On a Boat

Monday, July 27, 2009

digital piracy gives control back to users

So the whole industry thing is up in arms and going about arresting people they call pirates in the name of some warped system of supposedly justified retribution and all that other rubbish.

Now i am not a fan of stealing but the internet is the robin hood of the modern age. In a time when there was a top down approach to what people consumed, digital media has gone a long way towards leveling the playing field.

So you could buy an album with just one song you could bear listening to and the rest less than a poor average. But you had no choice.

With napster came a new revolution. Suddenly we could not only listen to music on our computers but we could look for just the song we wanted. Nothing more.

This meant artists would have to work hard to get as many of their single songs bought as possible. And some artists have even good further. Coldplay, for example are giving away their live album free of charge.

The industry instead waking up to the different avenues for revenue that this tool provides them, they are going on witch hunts into the sees looking for there buccaneers.

But like any system that gives the masses more power, the rulers are slow to understand it which means while this goes on, the masses rejoice. They may plunder and steal, because the ride is over. It's their time to reclaim their rights as consumers


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 3:40 AM 1 comments

Thursday, July 23, 2009

mic inity a whisper away from taking throne as king of Zimbabwean reggae scene

Men, women and anything in between all make their way to the Mannenberg Jazz Club every Wednesday for the highlight of an entertainment week to be privy to the Mic Inity experience.

Now I will say that I am not a huge fan of the rendition scene but this kid does it differently. And his original work, unless you're told, has the sort of quality that will go toe to toe with the best in the business. It is pure reggae and not some poor derivative. He is the genuine article.

The beauty of it all is the humility displayed by the Marondera-born Mike Madamombe.

From his days with transit crew, he has grown from strength to strength in the business.

There are many out there who can lay claim to knowing greats such as Luciano from early days in the dark corners of Jamaica. We might be able to say the same of Mic and have the priviledge of being accused of lying!

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posted by 3Men On a Boat at 3:12 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

rainbow towers, horror show

Now that is not a title for a show at the hotel formerly known as the Sheraton. It's not a gimmick. It's the experience you get from going there.

The only time I have stayed at this place was in the days when it had its old name. No I didn't pay for it. That was someone else's gig.

Today for the first time in a good number of years, i went backstage where preparation for the latest bit of church shenanigans is taking place.

As I walked into the mall, it felt like i was walking into one of those dinghy west african malls. The only thing missing were a bunch of traders selling goats and the picture would have been perfect.

As i made my way deeper, there was that smell. No it wasn't incense. It was like, a really horrid smell. The type that leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth. That smell.

Two round tables, huge and grotesque were in the corridor. They looked they had fallen off the back of a truck carrying the discarded furniture of a vagrant.

As if that wasn't bad, the backstage an eye sore. The back drop had a few holds punched into it. This is the same hall where the prime minister and the president do business. This is where the historic inclusive government was signed. And yet they will dare to claim to be a world class hotel.

The stage was unstable. I didn't bother going to check on anything else. There was no pot of gold at the end of that rainbow!


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 7:21 PM 0 comments

my zimbabwe's heroes acre shame

So we always make fun of the ignorance of Americans about their own country but I had a horrible moment recently.

When the local broadcaster Zimbabwe TV was showing the heroes of the struggle for independence from colonial rule I recognised so few of the names I felt a terrible sense of shame.

I could identify British and American people but my own heroes, people who laid their lives so that i could get a chance at liberty and all that other stuff were strangers.

I am not gonna do the easy thing and blame the system cause I should be showing my appreciation for these sacrifices myself. It's disturbing,and I wont make any excuses for it


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 2:17 PM 0 comments

Monday, July 20, 2009

dstv targetted at africa's white community?

So then there are loads of us who get tuned to so much more and all that other stuff. We love the football and all that other stuff. We get tuned into the other weird substitutes for entertainment every day and every month they request that in order to keep viewing their load of something or the other we have to pay 63 American dollars a month( depending one where you are).

Now that sounds like fair game but in a continent that is full of people of a darker shade and varying interests that DSTV for me is irrelevant. Save for the football which we all love the rest of the entertainment is pretty shit. Shit that is good for Mr and Mrs Smith but for my cousin in Mberengwa all very pointless.

I remember the other year they were showing the winter olympics as if the majority of Africans have any idea hat snow is. Talk about being alien.

then you will go to the history channel. It is almost as if Africa has not history at all. The triumphs of D-Day and how bad Hitler was, is the flavour. The little bit about Africa is how bad Idi Amin was.

I am not a fan of Mandela but couldn't they have had something on the history of teh struggle? Even in Africa month save for MTV Base and Channel O, the two pockets of resistance that still exist, there is nothing else.

Oh let's not forget about going to see the savages and make sure they come across as Barbarians.

How about programming that shows more about Africa and less about Europe. What does the E! channel have to do with Africa. I mean like really? Do we care what Kendra and the Kardashians are up to?

And talk to me about Africa Magic... In fact I will just ignore that...

I guess general Africa is not part of their market. In fact they are completely uninterested in that lot.

But then again this is nothing new... And I won't be a hero. I will pay for my subs.. Where else am I going to catch Fabregas in action?


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 2:51 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

civic society blocking constitutional reforms?

Now work with me on this for a moment. Yes we all watched or read the news yesterday about the whole invasion by the Old Man's supporters when the all-stakeholders conference was about to take place. Yes Tendai Bit went all vitriolic in the usual populist manner.

But tell me this, who has more to lose from a new constitution. Think of it. If your name is Lovemore Madhuku and a new constitution appeared tomorrow, how thrilled would you be about it.

Yeah yeah the argument could be that there will be an evolution of responsibilities towards making sure the constitution is defended. But why do we elect a president then? Someone to keep track of him.? What is the use of the check and balances we already have then?

As was suggested in the previous installment of this here blog, the general public wants nothing to do with the whole circus because it is as such... I hear they have given 10 million dollars for the whole advertising machine behind the scam.

I am not cynical. Don't get me wrong. I want a new constitution. I want the inclusive government to work. But I also want to have sex with Halle Berry...


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 2:51 PM 0 comments

Monday, July 13, 2009

new constitution? what constitution?

So then the so-called indaba on the forming of the new Zimbabwe constitution has started. Becoming something like Samuel Beckett play isn't. A lot of noise but nothing happens.. again

But on the streets who actually gives a toss about the constitution? they're more like, let them agree on something and we move on.

It is like a Roman tragedy. You might get excited about the process but if the principals don't agree, someone dies at the end. ANd more often then not, it is the cause that dies. In this case the constitution.

Unfortunately the actions of the principals has rendered the faith of the masses dead even before the motions have been presented. There is nothing there for them so they really don't care. And it is beyond apathy. It is a cause of annoyance.

Yes the intellectuals will argue for the constitutional process and all that other rubbish. They will tell you that the Kariba draft was a joke but noone is asking the masses what they think.

And what does the proletariat think? The intellectuals care as much for that as the masses do for their opinion. In essence this constitution might be approved at the end of the day but it is dead in the water.


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 5:22 PM 0 comments

Sunday, July 12, 2009

women now cheaper by the dozen

Nothing surprising about the headline now is there? I sit in any one of the drinking holes and they all come in their droves. Any other day they are the 'decent' girls who work in the banks and other such establishments. They go to church every single Sunday without fail but they are available.

By available I do not mean that in the rather traditional sense but they are available for purchase. Except this time it is not for direct cash but for just a good time. The man buys them a few drinks and something to eat and he is good to go. She and her friend by the way...

And he doesnt have to be single. In fact he rarely ever is single. He just shows her a good time and she is now on the booty call list. He gets it whenever he feels like getting it and almost on tap. They will call him cause they are not getting attention but in reality he holds all the aces.

It's a new game now...


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 4:05 PM 0 comments

Saturday, July 11, 2009

opinion in fact

They say it's like that part of yourself that everyone has. Yeah that part and don't say it too loud or else your mother might not feel to hot about you.

I have one. You do. But sometimes it borders on stupidity. The moments when we challenge fact and create rather annoying philosophies that border on insanity. Boredom maybe?

Maybe it makes for good discussions among idle minds. Idle minds enjoy this you know. It is their bread and butter. Without they feel pointless and yes you got it, stupid.

And none of them speak of it as an opinion. It is a matter of unimpeachable fact. It's something that is beyond dispute. It is the new fact.

But that is in fact, an opinion


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 2:03 PM 0 comments

Friday, July 10, 2009

another conference and a lot more hot air

No everyone will know that I am not the biggest fan of anything that is referred ti as a festival, workshop, conference or convention. I do not like them and I think they are a complete waste of time.

This however was billed as the one that you had to attend. After all, the investors were coming and you needed to know what they were saying. And just to show that we were more serious this time we took at away from the traditional HICC and decided to make Tom and his wife some money at the Celebration Centre.

Yes a couple of people came from the investment community. The Honourable Professor gave his technical analysis. The Honourable PM endorsed him. And His Excellency spoke till the cows threatened not to come home.

Good times right?

Except that noone knew what the point of it all was. It sounded just like every other little shindig that they have been putting together. It feels almost as if we have created a nation of professional conference/ workshop/ blah blah delegates. Because I am not sure why they didn't just package a lot of this and send people as Powerpoint presentations.

Oh but the person organising it wouldn't have made as much money.

This reform, that reform but no action plan. We want to do this but err... that was the part when I dozed off - mentally. Only to wake up to lunch. I call it lunch but it was just bad wedding food. But, hey, we don't really mind do we? We just say, not bad for Zimbabwe.

It did however draw a few people closer but it just didnt have that magic dust.The juice was missing. It sounded nice but there just lacked that little bit that is needed to get the notoriously scared fund managers thinking of throwing money into the country.

It did all look a bit nicer than the last gig they put together but it had just about as much hot air.

After all, we dont really have these gatherings to get anything done. We talk about getting things done then fob off to where we came from until the next time we get called to the next do.

Getting things done? Ah that is for other folk! That is until the next conference of course


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 3:58 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A memorial for the ages

They came in their thousands. There could easily have been a lot lot lot more but the city was smart about it. Cause how do you deal with a crowd coming to the king's funeral.

The stars came. They sang as best as they could but noone could do a Michael Jackson as well as he could. Matchless he was. Without peers. The greatest. Point. Blank. Period.

Maya Angelou had a poem read by Queen Latifah. We had him. And only when we lost him did we realise that we had lost him.

It is a memorial I could not have attended. It would have been too painful. Instead I sat at home alone and shed a tear alone. Cause that is how it was best done. It was to be done alone. The best way.

And of course the children. Paris. Nuff sed.

But what a beautiful family the Jacksons are. In spite of all the turmoil that they've had to live with they really are an amazing family. Janet and her mother Katherine especially.

Much of this made Michael normal in life but a giant even more everywhere else.

To Michael. Thank you for the moments. We will always remember and only do we really come to know that we truly loved you.


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 8:49 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

the king is dead, long live the king.. RIP Michael

I am not sure whether to watch it or not. I have three or four channels to follow it from and I am going to watch it alone. It is an ugly moment. It's like the day music died.

Of course there are are other ridiculously talented artists out there but Michael always lived on the cutting edge of technology. The cutting edge of music. He was so far ahead that he is like the dragon the music world is still chasing.

Much has been said so we will not say much along the lines of the circus that surrounds the passing of the king. He was to many of us, an icon, a genius, a a magician. Not a once in a lifetime, a one-off.

When they write about this moment in the future, it will be flowery, it will be legendary, it might be over the top, but it will never really speak enough about how big a loss this is.


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 3:15 PM 0 comments

Monday, July 6, 2009

police blitz on criminals in the Avenues

Seems as if there was a bit of pressure from the powers that be from Central Police Station because there was a blitz on criminal activity this past week from Zimbabwe's boys in blue(and brown).

It was refreshing to see them run after those undesirables and that sort of thing. The only unsightly thing that I did see was one instance in which two criminals were having a go at one of their own and a policeman just stood and watched. The crims accused him of having stolen a phone but it was from a source of mine all about territory. He had come over and stolen something from outside his territory and they were there to teach him a lesson about life.

Well the policeman was just standing there and having a laugh. And that is who is supposed to be protecting us from the scum on the street.

Michael Jackson's memorial service is on tomorrow. I am a little scared. Don't know why.
posted by 3Men On a Boat at 12:44 PM 0 comments