Three Men On a Boat

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

geriatrics to come out to watch horace brown and tevin campbell

So it has been confirmed that two musicians who were cool when jerry curls, baggy pants and box cuts were cool are making their way to Harare in December some time.

We are not in the business of hating but what the hell? Sure they were the indigO2 with Jon B the other day and Tevin Campbell performed at the BET awards but in as far being dated is concerned, even the Macarena can claim to be more recent than them.

So you will find a crowd trying to rediscover the form of yesteryear at the concerts, which will essentially mean people round about ages prancing about and singing 'One for the Money' and 'Can We Talk' on that night.

And just for that night they will feel cool because they know the words to the songs. But seriously... WTF!

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posted by 3Men On a Boat at 11:22 AM


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