Three Men On a Boat

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Zimbabwe republic police now enemies of the people

Now if you're expecting me to go into a tirade about politically motivated police brutality, I'm afraid you've come to the wrong door. This is about the everyday struggles of the masses against what used to be Zimbabwe's finest.

There was a time when dodging a police roadblock was because you didn't want the inconvenience of getting some place late but now the fear is from a more sinister place. Police just go around mounting road blocks and then find some imaginary fault like, you've got a fake license and if you don't bribe them you're going to spend the next six hundred nights in jail. Now of course if you've got a license it means you can read and that being the case the reports on the state of prisons are not encouraging. So you end up parting with an unplanned contribution to the corrupt policeman's fund.

Worse still, you could kill someone in this country and if you bribe the right person you get away with it.

There is a particular place opposite Holiday Inn by the food court in Harare on samora machel where a gang of really dangerous youngsters roam about with such contempt its amazing. The police know who they are and the cops are conveniently never there to protect the masses. Now i am not by any stretch of the imagination suggesting that it is open warfare but the area is getting worse now.

Now this is opposite a three star hotel around the time when we're trying to market ourselves as a safe destination and yet fire burns here.

I am not however about to lay blame on this government because a conscience is individual isn't it? And add to that they haven't had time to really target the social ills that have surfaced in the last three years or so.

All i am saying is someone has to do about it.

There was a time when a policeman gave you peace of mind. Now you see one, you get worried...


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 12:45 AM 0 comments

Friday, June 26, 2009

My tribute to Michael

As I write this I am still at a loss not just at what to say but what to feel as well. I am not one to say that I was the sort of fan that would spend days camped outside places where the King of Pop could be found, hoping for a glimpse - mind you I would give much to see him right now just once - but to say I was inspired by the man is a gross understatement.

You see, while to many people the man represented music and eccentricism, for me he was the definitive icon, a true genius, one of the few people who went beyond capturing the imagination of a generation to defining it.

For someone like me, he made me go beyond interest in performance. There was dedication. There was inspiration. There was pure talent.

It's one in the morning right now and I am still numb from the news. I can't really think about it right now. I am switching channels and trying to take it all in. It's all stupid and stupid. You think that people like him should never die. Funny thing is I thought about the effect his death will have on pop culture the other day. Little did I know that I would have to live it.

It's almost surreal. Not an ordinary man was he? Thirteen grammies. And the greatest album of all time, thriller. Man this is hard.

It hurts because it feels so stupid. Michael is the soundtrack to every real performer's life.

Was on facebook going back and forth and hoping that someone could find an article that would tell us that it was all a rubbish dream. An extraordinary man. A quarter of a billion albums. Man!

I can't go on


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 1:11 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

America's rockstar president can't help himself

So Obama smacks a fly during an interview and the whole world goes crazy for him. I mean seriously. Who does that. I don't mean fly killing the fly because that is the norm here in Africa but who makes a big deal out of it. Yeah the president is kind of a big deal to some people but i am sure that, ah never mind.

So Ahmadinejad is not having a good time is he? It's funny how quickly people in the west say we are siding with the iranian people just because they are protesting against a man they have been told by the media not to like. Now imagine if the other bloke had won and Ahmadinejad's lot had protested. They would be called all types of unspeakable names, wouldn't they?

Spin doctors are something else!

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posted by 3Men On a Boat at 9:51 PM 0 comments

Friday, June 12, 2009

tsvangirai frustrated?

SO I have been following the Prime Minister's tour of the world and seeing what he has to say to the rest of the world about what is going on back home.

And the arrogance of the international community is not amusing and I think the PM is beginning to understand that. Like what do they mean when they see progress on these things. I mean does Zimbabwe really find themselves answerable to these people. Who the hell are they?

And I think that he is getting a bit upset with them lot isn't he? I mean they want to have a chit chat about the inclusive government to see if any progress has been made? Who the bloody hell are they? I mean honestly.

You can see the man and he is not happy. He does not have begging bowl; Zimbabweans are to proud for that. He just wants the normalising of relationships because as long as the governments say that Zimbabwe is messed up then businesses are bound by that resolution and Zimbabwe cannot move forward. The nerve.

Even I am getting a bit touched about this. The arrogance of it all. Suddenly the US Senate and so forth have decided that they have the overall discretion over whether the Zimbabwe goverment is genuine or not.

They should all be tarred and feathered.

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posted by 3Men On a Boat at 1:34 PM 0 comments