Three Men On a Boat

Friday, May 30, 2008

let them fornicate

There is always a prism or some other sort of ism about what they define as choice in life. I for one am in a place in my life where many questions remain unanswered because belief is often overrated. I am not sure what one does with a defined pace and everything else that comes with it. But that is the easy part

I am not going to talk about my dislike for the common cause that is to be documented as we go on. I will speak rather of the ill-gotten gains of being a man of not so common inclinations having to deal with what one would call normal behaviour.

Every so often while you are coasting along in your relatioinship and performing the required functions with acceptable efficiency she comes across and use the f-word. No not that word, the other one. The one where she asks you about your feelings for her.

Women don't seem to understand that as men we are never really interested in trying to fix a relationship that seems to be working just fine. Where you are going to be with her in a few years suddenly becomes something that is very relevant now. Sure you were looking at Sue and Tendai over there and they were dishes for sure but you were pretty content with being in that relationship.

Then at that point, whatever you say is never enough. That is becaiuse in reality she doesnt know where you were both going. And because you wanted to sound winning you then said to her that you were promising the earth and the planets around it. Scratch that, the universe was also on the table, but wait, you needed to qualify your statement and everything goes awry and you argue more than you make love.

It is then that I say, let them fornicate, and dont ask questions when you not sure you want to know the answer. Because let's face it, as humans we are masters at over-estimating what people want.

But then again if you don't answer the question, you're screwed.

They say there is life out there. Maybe we will get a better option to the one we have now... The bra burners just burnt a new effigy!


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 12:45 PM 0 comments

Thursday, May 29, 2008

after the sex

The delicate nature of human relations sometimes means that we have a tendency to leave things undone for fear of creating some sort of embarrassment. What we do is a matter of some unfettered form of opinion in the constant search for some sort of divine interpretation.

I remember there was a time when we were a lot younger when we were often dragged to church every Sunday because that is what good boys did to get ice cream for lunch. It was fun because you often dodged the whole thing even though you were there by imagining something else altogether while you sat in the audience. Luckily the church I went to before the next one never really expected attention from its parishioners.

Then it was that one day my dear mother decided that because she was unhappy with a woman who wore these really huge glasses and spoke at the top of her voice all the time, that we were suddenly shipped off to another church where again we were bribed, this time by congregation activities and movies even. Now that was an interesting one. Except I was not allowed to behave the way I had in the previous. In this one there was Bible study and revision of material to make sure we were properly indoctrinated.

So then in that time, I ruled out sex, smoking, drinking and all that other stuff that was called vice. There was a list of it all you know.

I am glad for this. Except after the sex everything changed... And that you really wanna know about dont you?


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 2:29 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

the tears of an unending season

A soul sometimes can be a tragic thing to have. Or is it be? That is a completely different kettle of fish.

The hardest thing to understand at most times is women and their reaction to heartbreak really. You get a perfectly sane - at least seemingly so - young lady(and sometimes not so young) almost breaking down to some sort of emotional mound at best.

She will say she needs a year and a half to get over the supposed to heartbreak, this having been caused by someone who she was with for about six months. Now surely she will have lived quite a good chunk of lifetime before she meets this bloke but then she feels that the whole era before him didn't matter because well, guess what, I don't know.

Now let it be known that I am probably as big a bum as the rest when it comes to my treatment of women in a relationship but it is said without any apology. A little regret maybe because of the way that it is received. I just saw a member of the burn-the-bra movement set an effigy that has an uncanny resemblance to me on fire and threaten to do the same to me so please forgive me if I am not as firebrand as my fellow chauvinists want me to. Of course they are happy to have me as the poster child of the movement until I am tarred and feathered. But of course they will not say this themselves. The heroism is a bit much.,

Now I have a beautiful world in which I live, where my girlfriends always think they are the only ones and fair enough when they find out it is a bit of a problem, but it is annoying that they will get hung up over me just because I was a bum. One would think they would be glad to have been rid of me but alas, they seem to want me more because I have abused them. Some say, well I know there is another but if you dump her you can have me. Of course I will claim to have dumped her because the sex is good and hope to whatever exists that is not THE deity HIMSELF doesnt curse me with a form of leprosy that only rids me of my appendage.

But I digress for this is not a matter about me. It is about these poor women of misery who inhabit a space where they almost enjoy feeling sorry for themselves. They keep pouring salt on the wound because they like to keep it fresh. Ah but what about the chilvary that used to exist. Maybe it was a myth and there weren't so many women to choose from because by george - and not push - it is so my harder now.

I wonder however how my good friend Hillary Clinton who must feel neglected because my not giving her attention of late, because ah well, I just didnt. You see my dear Hillary is suffering the rejection that was the most embarrassing.

Think of the new boy who comes to school; he is not in the same grade as you. He comes in on prom night because he is well, a gate crasher. And then makes off with the hottest girl in the school. Yes the one who said hello to you the other day and she may just have known your name.. Or did she say Joe instead of John?

Oh what's your name again?


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 10:47 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

lest the gods should forget what marriage really is

There is a time in every man's life when being alone almost sucks. When the idea of going home to face your own demons becomes the closest thing to a roman tragedy. It is at that time that a man is threatened by his own demons.

His demons speak to him in multiple languages. One he calls his wife-to-be because that is what she expects. In effect she is all the demons except one. You see this woman who now inhabits his space with a disturbing sense of permanence is really just a form of replacement.

You see once, in the dark ages, when time was faceless, he was born. And he met this woman, a woman of conscience and unrivaled beauty. She tended for him and she told him where to go and what to do when to do it and who to do it with. She set the ground rules and she even chose his friends.

Now she became a little uninteresting because then there existed another woman, the one with the sense of disturbing permanence, who tended for him and she told him where to go and what to do when to do it and who to do it with. She set the ground rules and she even chose his friends. Note that I took the wording as is.

One was called mother and the other was called wife... Everything else remained the same


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 4:14 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

the chimes of freedom

The state of mind of most people nowadays is grossly embarrassing based on what one would call suspended records and memories.

I have things just like any other man for which I am duty-bound to apologise unequivocally and at least feign meaning it for the sake of preacher-peddled pulpit postured penitence offered as a dish every week on a day of choice for the supposed ministry.

The arrogance of course of human beings is often the cause of much derision. Alarm and despondency in the masses. Let the rank file bleed from their hearts while the chew on the bile of bubble gum made from the bones of the children.

But that is pure bile in itself because it is the schizophrenic search for freedom.

Nowadays we have a generation that has become more and more stupid so how on earth will they hear the chimes of freedom and take them for what they mean. And even if they come to understand them will they be able to find their way to the living waters.

But I am looking at the bottom of the wishing well
posted by 3Men On a Boat at 8:23 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

africa bleeds

In a month that is called Africa Month, the celebration of the statehood of the great continent, the tragedy of events that have been taking place in Africa is disturbing to say the least.

I imagine in my past life when I sat with the ancestors at the council and spoke of a blueprint for Africa I dreamed of something more beautiful than what we have now. The history of this continent is one of great visionaries who accepted people of a natured different to theirs and within the moral code of the society accepted them.

But now, just two years before the world cup the dream is drenched in the blood of those who have lost their lives and the tears of those who mourn them.

Sad thing is because this is mainly happening in the ghetto the authorities have it under control. Zimbabweans being the main target it is sad, because it is the same Zimbabweans who have sheltered so many refugees in the past, with the Apartheid regime, the wars in Mozambique, Angola and DRC. But those other countries aside you would think the African brotherhood would be supercede all.

While the whole world looks at June 27 in Zimbabwe, one of Africa's darkest moments rumbles on.

As of this morning, SABC international had the death toll at 22.


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 9:10 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

johanna's visions in the masses

In the song Visions of Johanna by the incomparable Bob Dylan he mentions a little boy who takes him so seriously, brags about his misery and likes to live dangerously.

That is almost a microcosm of how the world lives today. They say it is straight talk but the bragging rights belong to the bad boys of society. But beyond that we live in a world filled with excuses. Human beings are ready more than ever before to accept fault but not the next bit. That is doing something about our faults.

That is simply the most annoying thing in the world. Yes I am a schizophrenic and you should have to deal with it. So what I have had sex with 1700 women. I should be celebrated and not vilified. If you find something wrong with it that is your problem.

Of course in a world of political correctness the majority have become prisoner to the minority. It is no longer proper to say Merry Christmas in case we offend the different other lots who do not quite agree with the majority. Mind you we have to accept certain misnomers as well that the majority find repugnant in order to protect the interests of the minority. After all the majority don't matter.

And then when we have xenophobic behaviour like that in Alexandra in South Africa then we wonder what happened. Now let me say without any equivocation that any form of bigotry is the lowest form to be. But at the same time, sometimes little people whose voices have been taken away by legislature turn to what one would call the laws of the jungle to put a point across. Because they have not been allowed to speak their minds before, now they pounce on the unholy innocents.

That having been said and set aside, it will come down to one very important thing. What do we do about a world that has lost interest in responsibility since everything is based on opinion? We wait for a swing and hope that we don't miss.

Of course if we nick it to first slip, that might just be a problem. For life, like cricket offers you but one chance and we just hope the fielder that is the grim reaper spent just a bit to long in the pub last night...

In short, the visions of Johanna, keep me up past dawn hoping the answer comes from somewhere


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 3:56 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

after the slogans have stopped

When a man is broke and there is a prospect of money he is at his most reasonable. He will promise equity, justice and that it comes with for all those that are deemed to be the oppressed.

Of course we all know that when the money does come through and the shoe is on the other foot then all things change because now decisions from the standpoint of the empowered have to be made.

Now that is what happens with what we deem opposition politics. I think the whole thing is a pathetic exercise in futility. It is all very well telling the man who is in power, who is the most exposed what he has done wrong and offer populist solutions to whatever the mess is and entirely different thing to be the one isolated at the top of the mountain.

Leadership it will be said is one of the most challenging of vocations for one to engage actively in because whatever one does there will be some group that will believe they hold a quorum for dissent. They will sloganeer and shout all types of obscenities concerning the said leader. That is of course they after doing enough to desecrate the sacred pole of the said leader, they now assume the leadership.

They suddenly engage in pretty much the same things the former did because, well now the situation is different of course. Back then we were in a revolution and certain radical ideas had to be put out to achieve an end but now being a leader is a bit more sophisticated. And besides as a leader I am eligible for certain perks. I will still be your servant but oh come now now...

But that is not limited to politics. Walk into many businesses in Zimbabwe and you will find the same practices that they claim to find so repugnant in the order being the norm. They will even go a step further and demand of their workers what they don't have.

In many business the workers subsidise the business. They will be paid $50 against extremely modest expense expectation of about $300 and then get all types of stringent measures imposed just for good measure.

Then someone within the company who experienced the oppression will be promoted and then suddenly say... Well, when you're not in management you see things differently. There is teh balance sheet that needs to be taken care of and we just can't keep up. Sure I've just had four holidays in the last couple of months but that is my perk...

So stop the sloganeering comrades and get back to work... And you, make sure that my flight to Venice has been confirmed. I heard it's fun around this time of the year.


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 11:38 AM 0 comments

Friday, May 9, 2008

the fear of the belt

The biggest asset we have in life is often attached to some sentimental value which in the grand context of things seems to have little to do with the fact of the matter. A significant section of modern society bases much of its rhetoric on the sacred bile that has been spewed from many altars on days not necessarily exclusive to Sundays.

You see my fellow boatmates if we are to call them that come from the same school of thought as myself in that we do not believe in the supposed sincerity of the dehumanised element of our being. In the words of a character on the Italian Job, 'I trust everyone, just not the devil in them'.

It is the kinky appeal of the populist message that is so seductive. It makes what you would term on most days - again not exclusive to Sundays - a sane man run down the street with nothing on but the skin given to him screaming all manner of things in support for some ideal that is so far detached from reality it beggars not just belief but existence itself.

As I have become proficient at stepping on toes - not while dancing for that is my forte -I must insist that the world needs a bit of trouble sometimes. It needs the revolutionary awakening, the likes of which have been seen in places like Zimbabwe, Cuba and China where the common purpose is re-aligned for the sake of those who are so alien to themselves that would make prostitute seem homely in the Vatican. That is what I term the raping of the masses and the rot has to stop.

Which is why I would agree with Chairman Mao, in his little black book when he said that we should all really push for democratic dictatorship, that is strong principled leadership. At this point one of my boat mates who is a retired general has just offered a high five but I am too cool for that. But this for some people could be classified as heathen chemistry and I am sure to be threatened with an abrupt ending to my own existence. This is reminiscent of the time when as a boy, attempting to assert my independence, a reference was made to the belt either directly or by implication and my behaviour was re-aligned to the status quo. Of course that changed with defiance but the belt worked.

That aside I must say the same stern hand must be applied to my good friend Hillary Rodham Clinton who seems not to get it when the wave is clearly going the way. It's very well to be brave but an entirely different thing to be stupid. Barack has done well and she should fold the tent and leave. Of course he could still lose this one with a gaffe of outstanding proportion but it is hard now.

You have to say she has balls though and I would hate to play rugby with her. Being beaten by a girl is not fun especially in public.


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 11:11 AM 0 comments