Three Men On a Boat

Friday, February 29, 2008


Lack of something or the other in some women... I mean the women wear rags and by that I mean real rags that they have draped over themselves all in the name of some sacrosanct pledge to something or the other. I mean gosh...

They do look awful... and the colours... but they are sexy women. It seems they are afraid of colour or showing the knees... And I am thinking that is stupid. Be aggressive. Forget assertive. I will give you a business deal cause you have lovely legs cause let's face it, if it was because of the brains Hilary Clinton would be leading right now...
posted by 3Men On a Boat at 1:16 PM 0 comments

Monday, February 25, 2008

thoughts discontinued about marriage

I feel like a dirty slave to my misdemeanours. Weekend just went by and I have more questions than I do have answers. I know that if I am asked about whether I will be getting married anytime soon or at all, the answer at this point is an emphatic no. That is the sum of it.

You see I know too many cheating wives and some of whom have interrupted their devotion to husbands with me. I neither regret nor celebrate this but it has given me enough to have very little faith in the institution. After all the whole karma thing will come into play and call me in for my fallacies.

That having been said, I am resigned to the fact that my wife if she does by the sheer mismanagement of grace come to exist will indeed cheat on me. My only hope is that if she is all that I need in a companion - faithfulness aside - she will keep this under wraps and I will never find out about it. I will live a full life as long as she doesn't give me some unmentionable disease worse than the plague in the process. I would like to think I will be faithful then but then that might just be a big ask.

Step out of line it says... Do I believe? It's been discontinued like the floppy drive


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 9:54 AM 0 comments

Saturday, February 23, 2008


that sinking feeling... that familiar taste of inadequacy, cousin to discontentment, comrade to forthrite abandonment... as a moth to a flame is martyr to her desire so is falling short of our own true measures, when in a moment hindsight seizes to be comparable to forsight- headonistic tendencies seemingly all apparent and appealing.. this is beggining to sound like that rhetoric that your farty old neighbour would use on an impressionable 3year old mind and expect it to be legendary.. the measure of a man through a childs looking glass is just but that if you know wot i mean. wot tickles my curious fancy though is how the measure of a woman is trans gender.. however it resonates so much more via a strong man... he must have had a strong mother to give him such upstanding morals and eticacy and so forth but hows about giving a woman credit for- hmmm? but as much as that measure is a gender bender its crossing of that divide is wanton, fickle as is the nature of women- circumstancial ethics and the like... could i be anti feminist i think nay, am i hot blooded hetro i know nothing else! the point of this rambling, when so many questions come to the fore all at once and suddenly its mind numbing so most sensibly we must pardon the numb mind should we not? now more to the point insatiabilis enquires ''measure for measure- what is the nature of a man's measure?''


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 11:15 PM 0 comments

Thursday, February 21, 2008

lunchtime mall action

eish look at that another hot white chic gone and the ones here look so fuckable.. when i was in the mall at lunch met some indian chic dude can she gaze or wot? wots that word oggle, yes thats it! she had this shimmering black mane.. caught her staring on my way in and out, double dose so i stared back... i think we left that contest on deuce, for those that play tennis or have an inkling of it you understand the pressure and relief (simultaneous)(- almost sounds like indecision (that illness, terminal at that) which the feminine sort would kill to cure. well at least i hope they do seeing as they never know wot they want.. shiite id swear they change underwear twice in the space of one morning. of course we could exact blame on morning glory orgasms and wetness but indecision takes that load to the bank! insatiabilis sez ''forget the underwear and rid yourself of the challenge that is deciding''. evolution is tricky from a dead white girl to chronic indecision about underwear.. fcuk! can lunchtime mall action create such? beware!


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 7:45 PM 0 comments


The views expressed in this blog, are the views of three men in a boat somewhere with hole in it... So basically we don't really care if people think we are bouncing off walls because after all, the boat is still sinking.

We could swim if we wanted but it would not be worth the experience, we like the sinking feeling and we have the opinion that if the boat sinks we will simply get up and walk on water.

Don't get it wrong, we are not Bill O'reilly so our views may be considered but of course we are only human and therefore failings - though few and very far between - might occur.

Now that we have got that out of the way...
posted by 3Men On a Boat at 7:29 PM 0 comments