Three Men On a Boat

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

miss tourism zimbabwe receives send-off

Liquid Lounge was the place and the suits were there. of cause ZTA head honcho Karikoga Kaseke was there and so was ZCT president Emmanuel Fundira.

It started late (of course it wouldn't be quite Zimbabwean if it didn't) and felt disjointed at most times but it was amusing at best. They need to do something about the sound and the dj... errr let me keep quiet about that.

Then the Vanessa Sibanda girl gave a speech that was, erm... I don't know and she did some lip-synching. We know it was because of MacDee's love for autotune. The song was one that was in the moment but it wasn't particularly Zimbabwean. And they wanted to sell it at $10 for each copy. That was pushing it. Really pushing it. A copy. One song. $10. I would like to smoke some of what they are smoking.

Then Alexio performed a...

Gosh this is beginning to sound like report. WTF!

In short, Vanessa is a sweet girl. That is as much as I would say. And I wish a whole heap of luck.

And some of the girls from the next miss zimbabwe tourism thing looked hmm... like hell yeah. And Kiki Divaris at 85... Nuff sed!


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 10:31 AM


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