Three Men On a Boat

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 review: Nothing happened

So we started off in a world of despair and we remain the doldrums. We are not sure what we want anymore because we have started questioning what we want and what we are going for.

Global warming continued to take centre stage as did the war on terror. The US of America and the world elected with the help of the powers, the first black president. His name was not the most likely of the bunch but it worked. He became a beacon of hope even as the world headed nose first for the muck.

And even as this was going on George W Bush found new ways to become unpopular and Zimbabwe's president Robert Mugabe engineered new ways to raise the ire of the western world. And then Africa tried to rescue the situation but that didnt work out. The people of Zimbabwe and Gaza continued to suffer because the people that could help them didnt like the government they elected.

Then we had one of the greatest movies in the history come out except the guy who played main character in it, the anti-hero, Heath Ledger died before that was up.

Then there was Britney Spears. Oh yes there was Britney Spears. By virtue of mentioning her name our blog will receive a few hits that we adnt even targetted. That is how hectic it was for Britney it was.

The three men on a boat somewhere tired sometimes but there was always one continuously awake to watch the pigeons as we neither rowed nor were in a stream.

We upset a few people and that we regre without apology. We made a few fans and we even had secret service agents from various countries looking us up just in case we were somewhere along the line guilty of aiding and abetting terrorism.

In all of this we tried to remain relevant. This was the year that politics rtook the main stream and acquired a rock star personality. It was on the lips of all and sundry. Yes all and sundry. This was like the soccer world cup, the cup even my mom and my little sister would not care about took an interest.

Except then the politics in Zimbabwe were about life an death issues. Someone's life resulting in someone's death,.

All in all we cried more than we laughed, but in the grand scheme of things, bar for a few minor incidents, nothing happened his year!


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 5:42 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

what if jestina mukoko is guilty of something?

There is a lot of outrage in Zimbabwe over the detention of people who are suspected of engaging in treasonous acts. And well if you are the Zimbabwe government your PR is in tatters right now given the way everyone outside Africa is just about ready to call you the bad guy.

Now what if we think the seemingly unthinkable. What if Jestina Mukoko is guilty of something? Think of it this way. There are groups out there who are more vocal than the Zimbabwe Peace Project in the proclamation of their dislike to say the least of the Zimbabwean governement.

What if she really conspired and is guilty of all the things that she has been accused of. And just because the governement of the day is not very popular the world assumes that they are the villain of the piece.

But what if indeed Jestina Mukoko, a person who everyone had pretty much forgotten about until she was arrested did something that warranted her arrest?

Let's face it. The majority of the people hankering for her release don't really care or know anything about her. Except that she was arrested by the big bad monster.

But what if...


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 2:45 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

diaspora lights up harare nightlife

This past weekend I partied harder than I think I have in a few lifetimes. And I have had a few.. Trust me.

So then it was symphony on friday packed with girls. We had some of Harare's players there and even they felt outnumbered to the extent that they felt out-gunned. This was like what the fuck territory. A new realm of abject stupidity. Do you ask questions when there are no answers to give? Yeah you should know by now that i get random like that,

So back to the blokes being outnumbered. And as if that was not crazy enough we then went to the Club Mambo opening party. Well more like reopening and that was packed as well and once again, it was like a lesbian party except the women were into men. And yes you guessed right. The diaspora crew was in full force.

Then I met a girl I met on facebook but she is not from diaspora.

So then it came to pass that we had to leave at some hour past first light. Got some sleep and ended up... well I actually dont remember where I ended up. It was dark.

Then Sunday bounced along and I ended up.. well yeah you get the picture. The diaspora brigade was at it again at Kebab. There were some girls there who looked a bit young. Of course a weekend is of debauchery is never complete without visiting one of Harare's seedy joints. Tipperary. That was some fun but not too much of it. I fell asleep in the car.

Yeah well.. Unity day spent feeling like Kanye West in Love Lockdown....


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 2:11 PM 0 comments

Saturday, December 20, 2008

the impossibilty of being apolitical

There are those in this world who claim that they are pacific and non-aligned otherwise known as apolitical. They walk about claiming that they are devoid of any political will or feeling.

However I will say let's not mistake a lack of direct commitment to a supposed cause for not taking a stance on something. Because even choosing not to be involved is in itself a political stance. In effect the moment you have an opinion different to someone else it is political, whether u like it or not.

So yes I will have shoes thrown at me by those who claim apathy and of course Jehovah's Witnesses who say they are no part of this world. As a force of habit for the sake that I might get shot with an uncomfortable dose of leprosy that might end up with a certain appendage falling off. And we just cant have that. Not at this stage in life and not at the next one ever. The fun that it comes with is just too good.

So in the uncomfortable realities are hard. The fact that you sitting there, whether you like it or not form part o a political consensus. Whether you like it or not you are stuck there. Left right middle or whatever you belong to a gang whenever you form an opinion.

So we will always be victims of the circus they call politics. Maybe death with all its destruction will bring a tonic that is less maddening but then again, that can be political.


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 6:18 PM 0 comments

Friday, December 5, 2008

gono ups the ante in harare

A week before he was confirmed for a second term as governor the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Gideon Gono named and shamed a few bad apples live on national TV concerning the whole cheque thing.

Last night dear 3G was at it again and this time it was the banks he was calling out for diverting funds onto the streets. Well he is really beginning to lose a bit of that stench is it not because some of the moderates are beginning to give the guy a break.

My take is poor 3G is in a fix. You have economists who use books for any situation saying he is stuffing up when the environment is beyond books really. I mean what does anyone really do here?

You have to go militant and call out people face to face. I think you have to come out and protect the little guy. This is what governments and central banks are supposed to do. The framework is very simple. I have said it a lot of times. When the people are abused the state machinery has to come into play.

Right now the government, basically the country is running of RBZ's current account. They want to make money but Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe must pick up the tab afterwards. Which doesnt make sense. Privatise the profits and socialise the losses? A ball of hogwash dipped in scum.

But that said a lot more needs to be done. There has to be an indefinite period of concerted pressure from the authorities to deal with the dregs that are doing this.

That is what I think anyway...


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 9:16 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

repetition can be stupid...

Barack Obama has just gone and recreated the Clinton years and even gotten his wife on board. You wonder who the new Lewinsky is because a lot of what is going on is way too familiar. You wonder what spell the poor bloke is under and what he needed to fix that led to him bringing Hillary on board.

Of course on substance I think Hillary would have made a better president but come on man, secretary of state. She voted for the war remember? Isn't that like a fundamental flaw in foreign policy. But then again is he really choosing the cabinet or did the bloke have a few deals done to get him there that he has to pay for? I wont speculate because next thing, I have a few CIA agents crawling up my arse looking for bugs.

And the news coming out of Harare is getting more and more grim by the moment because now death and disaster are real. real people dealing with real and ugly issues. You get what i mean?
But somewhere in between there was an article by the Zambian post about Tsvangirai pushing his luck a bit too far and what with Cde Thabo's letter having censured him and by extension publicly then I would really hate to be him right now.

But that is the repetitive sin that is performed like an art these days. And you just wonder what the next turn might be. Because we love it dont we? It is dead stupid and it feels so brilliant.

But it is our obsession.

Tsvangirai has alienated people that at worst sympathised with him by obsessing about the west. It used to be something that was often shouted from the hills of the Kopje in Harare but has become almost common cause with the African brothers. He has skillfuly managed to box himself into a corner where he could easily become a Savimbi. He doesnt realise the way Africa now does not want to be aligned to the west. Hell the west doesnt really want to align itself to itself right now.

Well it is stupid. It is repetition

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posted by 3Men On a Boat at 7:08 PM 3 comments