Three Men On a Boat

Friday, September 25, 2009

mugabe still a wily old fox

So the old fox was on CNN last night having a bit of fun with that Christiane Amanpour girl on Exclusive and had it been anybody else she would have had the interviewee down and out for the count early into the first round. That is how tough Amanpour is...

But against Zimbabwe's President Robert Gabriel Mugabe, that thorn in the side of the West she was left gasping for air.

The first half looked pretty as the two exchanged blows. Well if I was to be generous I would say it was a draw but in the second half it was a different story.

Amanpour was baited and it was a bit like watching a horror show and you're screaming at the victim to get out of the way. They are opening the door and blam... The scream was silent but it was legendary.

Just a wee bit into the second half, the old man looked bored and Amanpour tried to make a comeback but it was much like the kid who scribbles on his shirt at the end of his last year in school. The kid feels like he is making some sort of point but he has been the bitch through the years...

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posted by 3Men On a Boat at 10:29 AM 0 comments

Monday, September 7, 2009

big brother africa devolution

Now anyone who knows me from a bag of peas will know that i am not a fan of the whole reality tv scene in whatever shape and form. It puts me off and I think that it is one of the biggest cons in entertainment. And the masses still don't get it.

This year the producers, mnet and their lot have decided that putting twelve blokes and just two girls in the house is revolutionary. Now I am not a fan but why would u put a sausage fest together? Why on earth? And for conservative Africa?

I have said before that DSTV should really not bother listing me as one of their fans but this is pushing it a bit isn't it? And if they wanted me on board in this whole charade this is hardly one way to do it.

I think that Reality Tv is getting found out a bit now because nothing beats drama. Yes it does get a bit predictable at times but at least someone has bothered to write a script and get some professionals in.

That said, they will have the women folk watching.


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 11:18 AM 0 comments

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ol skool music a bit overrated

Chris Rock is a funny little genius. Because he has one of those faces that make you want to burst into laughter he couldn't make it as a politician. So he decided to be a social commentator using comedy as his medium and he does it with a ridiculous amount of skill.

In an HBO Special, Never Scared, he mentions that the rap music we tend to like is the one that rocked when we first had sex. Now there is an element of truth in that.

Same thing with old music. Maybe not so much the sex part but it is down to when we were last cool. Those were the days when we were still interesting and relevant. So we think that the old music is better than what we have now. Which is stupid cause it insults humanity. How? It says humanity gets worse by the minute. And that we have to rely on previous successes and errors to survive which is a whole bowl of vomit.
posted by 3Men On a Boat at 4:18 AM 0 comments

changes most welcome? everything remains the same

So the thing we want most is for things to remain the same when it comes to us but not so much when it comes to others. We insist that other people need to grow in one way or the other but we deny the change within ourselves.

Now this is not just some dumb alcohol induced philosophy although i won't confirm or deny the presence of alcohol in my system as i write this. As i look out from the boat i would like to fool myself into thinking that moving has changed. That i row the same as i always have and everyone else has changed and thus the tragedy that unfolds before my eyes.

Truth be told, this is me ranting. Thankfully there is no self-pity in all of this. I am terribly happy and it is annoying because some weird part of me wishes i had some of the issues some of these idiots have. It would be fun. Maybe not.

Maybe i should stop before i start accusing my fellow oarsmen of not rowing the way they used to...

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posted by 3Men On a Boat at 2:27 AM 0 comments