Three Men On a Boat

Monday, September 7, 2009

big brother africa devolution

Now anyone who knows me from a bag of peas will know that i am not a fan of the whole reality tv scene in whatever shape and form. It puts me off and I think that it is one of the biggest cons in entertainment. And the masses still don't get it.

This year the producers, mnet and their lot have decided that putting twelve blokes and just two girls in the house is revolutionary. Now I am not a fan but why would u put a sausage fest together? Why on earth? And for conservative Africa?

I have said before that DSTV should really not bother listing me as one of their fans but this is pushing it a bit isn't it? And if they wanted me on board in this whole charade this is hardly one way to do it.

I think that Reality Tv is getting found out a bit now because nothing beats drama. Yes it does get a bit predictable at times but at least someone has bothered to write a script and get some professionals in.

That said, they will have the women folk watching.


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 11:18 AM


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