Three Men On a Boat

Thursday, August 20, 2009

the caster semenya saga

So this little - ok maybe not physically little - comes out of nowhere and smashes records. Instead of the world applauding her, the International Association of Athletic Federations decides it is a good idea to persecute her.

And not because they think she did drugs. No. They say the only way she could do so well is because she actually a guy. I mean what kind of nonsense is that? It is bile.

If she was American - especially white - she would have been the toast of the party. Everyone would have been falling over each other to get her attention. But no, Mokgadi is from South Africa (read Africa) and therefore she is subject to all types of disgraceful behaviour.

Thing is, even if they wanted to check for these things they could have done so quietly. Now even if she comes out of this with a tick - and I believe she will - she will always have this hanging over her head.

Sad thing is I am sitting in a cafe right now and some of my African friends are dismissive of the story. Instead of rallying around the poor child, they are justifying the action of the IAAF

Oh Africa. When?


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 4:11 PM


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