Three Men On a Boat

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

rainbow towers, horror show

Now that is not a title for a show at the hotel formerly known as the Sheraton. It's not a gimmick. It's the experience you get from going there.

The only time I have stayed at this place was in the days when it had its old name. No I didn't pay for it. That was someone else's gig.

Today for the first time in a good number of years, i went backstage where preparation for the latest bit of church shenanigans is taking place.

As I walked into the mall, it felt like i was walking into one of those dinghy west african malls. The only thing missing were a bunch of traders selling goats and the picture would have been perfect.

As i made my way deeper, there was that smell. No it wasn't incense. It was like, a really horrid smell. The type that leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth. That smell.

Two round tables, huge and grotesque were in the corridor. They looked they had fallen off the back of a truck carrying the discarded furniture of a vagrant.

As if that wasn't bad, the backstage an eye sore. The back drop had a few holds punched into it. This is the same hall where the prime minister and the president do business. This is where the historic inclusive government was signed. And yet they will dare to claim to be a world class hotel.

The stage was unstable. I didn't bother going to check on anything else. There was no pot of gold at the end of that rainbow!


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 7:21 PM


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