Three Men On a Boat

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A memorial for the ages

They came in their thousands. There could easily have been a lot lot lot more but the city was smart about it. Cause how do you deal with a crowd coming to the king's funeral.

The stars came. They sang as best as they could but noone could do a Michael Jackson as well as he could. Matchless he was. Without peers. The greatest. Point. Blank. Period.

Maya Angelou had a poem read by Queen Latifah. We had him. And only when we lost him did we realise that we had lost him.

It is a memorial I could not have attended. It would have been too painful. Instead I sat at home alone and shed a tear alone. Cause that is how it was best done. It was to be done alone. The best way.

And of course the children. Paris. Nuff sed.

But what a beautiful family the Jacksons are. In spite of all the turmoil that they've had to live with they really are an amazing family. Janet and her mother Katherine especially.

Much of this made Michael normal in life but a giant even more everywhere else.

To Michael. Thank you for the moments. We will always remember and only do we really come to know that we truly loved you.


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 8:49 PM


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