Three Men On a Boat

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

mugabe continues to defy evens and odds

So the President, Robert Mugabe was in South Africa to make sure that 'mshini wami' was installed as the fourth president of the Republic the other day along with his new ally, Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai.

Yeah so they are buddies now, Morgan and Bob. Son and Father type thing and it must irritate a few people and have them feeling sick. Now some people will say it is politics but how much does Tendai Biti know about the process at the moment. I mean seriously.

Anyway that is running off from the centre when it comes to the subject at hand. You see then what happened was when ol' Bobby Mugz arrived at the inauguration thingy he received a standing ovation from the South African branch of ZANU(PF) also known in some circles as ANC.

Them lot who thought he was a such a goner were astounded and this was like hectic. Of course that other geriatri, Nelsn what's-his-face, the first president of the Republic received the bigger applause including bowing and all that sort of thing.

But for Bobby along with the Colonel from up north, Gadaffi(Mumu to his friends) it was something, yes, something.

Shows the survival instinct of this man, who many thought was beyond repair.

Why? Even some of his critics in Zimbabwe are warming up to him and even dreading the day when the statement The President of the Republic of Zimbabwe is not appended by...

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posted by 3Men On a Boat at 1:33 PM


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