Three Men On a Boat

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

lest the gods should forget what marriage really is

There is a time in every man's life when being alone almost sucks. When the idea of going home to face your own demons becomes the closest thing to a roman tragedy. It is at that time that a man is threatened by his own demons.

His demons speak to him in multiple languages. One he calls his wife-to-be because that is what she expects. In effect she is all the demons except one. You see this woman who now inhabits his space with a disturbing sense of permanence is really just a form of replacement.

You see once, in the dark ages, when time was faceless, he was born. And he met this woman, a woman of conscience and unrivaled beauty. She tended for him and she told him where to go and what to do when to do it and who to do it with. She set the ground rules and she even chose his friends.

Now she became a little uninteresting because then there existed another woman, the one with the sense of disturbing permanence, who tended for him and she told him where to go and what to do when to do it and who to do it with. She set the ground rules and she even chose his friends. Note that I took the wording as is.

One was called mother and the other was called wife... Everything else remained the same


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 4:14 PM


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