Three Men On a Boat

Monday, October 5, 2009

stupidity is not a theory

So then I have had not too random threats made against life and limb for not having been on the blogosphere for a moment and half. Yes we do have a few readers who have turned us into a rite but in reality we are just people with a moment to comment on social consequence.

I claim many things and some of them I have no right to but the world has a sweet aroma in the midst of all of the stench. What that means is that we have a lot of things that happen that we do not like but we tend to tolerate but the whiffs of magic that steal through the madness make it all worthwhile.

Night life has become something of a hectic schedule for the team to the extent that it has played ping pong with our nocturnal habits. We want to sleep but we find ourselves out and prancing about. We are not sure why but it happens.

Now if that is not stupid enough we come across people with blank minds high on a cocktail of booze and marijuana and being of not so sound mind we have arguments with them over some whore whose face we will not remember.

I am not saying it's not fun while it happens. It is stupid though


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 3:55 PM


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