Three Men On a Boat

Monday, February 2, 2009

a dozen zeroes fly off the Zimbabwe currency

So in what is turning into a habit, Zimbabwe's central bank lopped off another 12 zeroes bringing to 26 the number of zeroes that have been taken off the currency since the whole things started.

Now there was a point it was borderline funny but now it is just hilarious.

Other highlights that have had a few people screaming blue murder all water and electrictiy tariffs shall be in foreign currency (read USD and Rand) for people living in the low density areas while in those in high density will pay in the local currency.

Also pretty much every company in the country can now deal in forex and not need to pay the twenty grand that was needed before. Ah well.

Other than that not that much. It seems as if it was a statement waiting for something. He seemed to be trying to justify what he has been up to and well he was. Let's see what happens


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 4:57 PM


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