Three Men On a Boat

Thursday, January 22, 2009

oscar joke as benjamin button kills the curiosity

It seems as if the Oscar lot have a conspiracy against the masses. After a year in which pretty much everything was about the Dark Knight they somehow managed to really cock it up by handing a bunch of nominations to Brad Pitt's piss poor version of Forrest Gump in the curious case of Benjamin Button. 

Now we know that Brad forms one half of the power couple that is known as Brangelina and so the powers that be would like to give him an oscar but the film could not be said to have been better than Dark Knight. I mean honestly that cannnot be true. It is a complete traversty of justice. Yes they gave th ;late Heath Ledger a posthumous nod but this was a shocking snub to a groundbreaking film. 

Whatever the reason it should not have been allowed to stand in any reasonable debate. 

Unless there was a bribe and there was a Nigerian involved. Even then, sanity should have kicked in somewhere
posted by 3Men On a Boat at 11:56 PM


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