Three Men On a Boat

Thursday, October 9, 2008

there is no door to knock on as ANC is on the brink

We saw this coming after Polokwane. The hacks didn't. They simply accepted it and moved on which was a departure from the business they usually get up to.

Lekota reckons that a split is inevitable now and it is all on the basis of that stupid word that nobody seems to know the meaning of... democracy.

Staying together was always going to be a big ask. It was a wonder how Zuma and Mbeki had once worked together because of the different styles they had. 

The sad thing is that tribal references keep coming up here and this has not helped in polarising the party and South Africa in general.

But I am not saying anything that most people dont know. This is indeed a sad event for African liberation parties as the infighting that is going on seems to be pushing them to the limits. Somewhere along the line, one group loses sight of the issues and becomes involved in selfish actions that lead to the creation of factions within the country. 

Both sides for a moment are right, but their hearts... not so well-placed


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 12:53 PM


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