Three Men On a Boat

Monday, September 29, 2008

Of Chiyangwa and the Bentley

Saturday evening it was at Fife Ave shops. Big Phil drove up and stopped just in front of Spar in the car park. The lot selling milk, airtime recharge cards, meat, bread and whatever else was available out there screamed with excitement.

Then Big Phil in his typical style had the top come over the convertible before driving off in his usual aplomb to the delight of the crowd. Of course the commoners were screaming his name and he was loving it. 

Now I have no idea what type of car it was save for the fact that it was a Bentley. It is also highly unlikely that if I were to see it again I would know it. Well it was rather good to look at though.

Astounding how much attention it got. People pulling out phones to take pictures and the sort. It showed that people generally have no lives. What that means is we are so caught up in what someone else is doing we forget that we need to be involved in being ourselves. It is rather terrifying when you give it some thought cause then originality goes out the window doesnt it?

It means essentially we're all xeroxing someone all the time....

What the...


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 12:48 PM


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