Three Men On a Boat

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Monetary Policy Presentation - President Mugabe calls for discpline

The president of Zimbabwe Cde Robert Mugabe speaking at the Monetary policy presentation by Reserve Bank Governor Gideon Gono asked for discipline in the economy in the fear that the measures outlined by the governor would be eroded by economic saboteurs... I should start writing for ZBC or Herald at this rate.

He spoke of the need to shun parallel markets and illegal dealing... Now ok that's that

This looks like something of dress-rehearsal for a deal in the works. It sort of means they have sorted their beef out. Cause he emphasised a lot on working together and the whole talks thing.

And Thabs is on his way to Zimbabwe now, to have a chat with the old man over the whole talks thing. Zimbabwean sources say the talks are going well. The non-Zimbabwean ones say they are not going so well. It is weird cause you are like why do they insist things are not good?

Well things are lookinmg good although I can hear some detractors - man I should just join up with George Charamba - saying that the measures won't work and Zimbabwe is on its way to war...

Well well well...
posted by 3Men On a Boat at 11:30 AM


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