Three Men On a Boat

Thursday, July 17, 2008

even with the water Zimbabwe still burns

Another blow has been dealt to the efforts for mediation over the Zimbabwean issue after the main opposition party decided against signing the MOU. Now that is just downright pathetic to say the least and shows now for sure beyond anything else that Zimbabweans are no longer the issue at play here.

Just the other day there was this condition and then after that there was another condition. Thabo Mbeki is trying to get his hands on the matter and well sure he has his faults but with some other lot pulling the other way it is hard. It's hard to negotiate with someone who is not his own master and surely even the major opposition party's people can see that.

Now I don't care much for who ends up taking the top job in the land but the reality is that Zimbabweans are in real fix. A product costs five times as much in Zimbabwe as it costs in South Africa and even more than in pointless DRC. Now where the money to pay for that product comes from is a real enigma because the people don't earn that much do they? And the powers that be on both sides, well I don't know...

This is one of those rants...

It's getting ridiculous and teh continued meddling in the affairs of Zimbabwe is doing noone any good. Another week will go by and more children will die and for what? Because as George Bush and Gordon Brown said, they want to make an example out of Mugabe. But at what cost? What cost? And is it really worth it?

Cause at the end of the day, he is coming out smelling like roses now...


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 10:49 AM


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