Three Men On a Boat

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

disgust, dilemma the works...

whats that temporary condition scientifically called... give me a moment i think i just caught it... no you simpleton its not amnesia its lethologica- from the beginning now... ever forgotten what word you were just about to use and you know its there, somewhere, elusive in the peripheral back of what is your mind. you are almost obliged to do some soul searching to find that word. maybe you are naturally obsessive or you just can't stand loosing your flow but a suggestion is get over it! it happens to the best of us anyways. its poor taste in words if you ask me no wonder they came up with some fancy word to give the non-eloquent a decent standing. if you stuck to words you knew i can't see you forgetting. look at me i had letho whatever... because i hardly use that word... i don't exactly have a hobbyhorse neither... simpleton that word or phrase even you use every other second to save your dingy life is what hobbyhorse is... that just pisses me to hell. send me there before my time why don't you?

i guess i needed to vent there...

what brought me to this place is pissing disgust... i mean all a man ever demands is respect with women its love which men safely have no clue about no wonder they get away with so much kaak! deniable possession of knowledge.. decent survival mechanics. anyhow, two men, employee and employer... me in the middle as his superior other... picture this scenario- employee refers sticky situation to superior who interprets his dilemma as solvable by a simple one to one with employer. scenario unfolds- employee sees dilemma in dilemma- why? how? he is afraid of his employer... ever seen a mangy dog cower in a dingy corner? utterly disgusting is it not? not that i'm equating this chap to a mangy mutt but i was so pissed off to be in this fellows company. how? why? does a man fear another just because he signs your paycheck? it truly is beyond me how so often men misinterpret fear for respect and the other way round. this fellow lost my respect and for the life of me i fear i will always look down on him... i think its befitting and allowed.

i don't know if my frame of mind or the opinion i hold of such responses to authority could be judgmental... i'm not judging i'm just saying a spade is a shovel..


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 7:43 PM


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