Three Men On a Boat

Thursday, March 6, 2008

ready- set- death

the sight of blood let alone my own crimson signature... the cringe, the after thoughts. do i want to be bleeding on that day as i go out? morbid? i can't seem to rationalize if it would be. can't put paid to how id rather die. thing is, how many of us can present a valid argument on how we'd rather be taken from this world to the grim reaper. you know him. the chap sporting a hood and a big sickle on a skeletal hand.. that dude makes you rationalize morbid tendencies! am i caught out in morbidity? oh, hadn't realized that was even a word till now guess there is a lesson in deathly thoughts.

question- how many of us are afraid to die or are we just the unready? you realize of course its fabled that life's essence is fully fledged in that last breath you'd take. you could then retort that the elusive meaning of life is found in its demise- death holds more for life, for us than life?


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 9:50 PM


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