Three Men On a Boat

Monday, November 10, 2008

tsvangirai shows his vagina off in public

So he walked away from the summit in a huff yesterday after he failed to agree a deal with Africa's leaders. Oh no he couldn't. 

He says that he wasnt up to sharing because Bobby was treating him like one of those you pay for a moment's pleasure. In short he wanted to be treated like a wife. 

Well Mr Tsvangirai, how about showing a little grace rather than throwing your fanny about. Zimbabwe sits in the middle of a humanitarian crisis and all you can think of is how you didn't get the same drapes as the woman next door.

Spare a thought without using history since you have become a major protagonist in this circus called Zimbabwean politics for the woman in guruve who last had sadza about for days ago and survives on the malt liquor her husband now gets because it is cheaper than a meal. 

Spare a thought for the woman in Budiriro who last saw clean running water a few weeks ago and has drunk water taht she would not have taken a piss in a few months ago.

Blame it on Mr Mugabe? Yes. But add your name to that list now. You have now joined the band of those abuse the rights and liberties of the masses in search of personal glory. You make this about the people but the masses who do not care for how the ministry of home affairs works do not really care whether you get it or not. 

There was a time we could have called you a hit and miss politician but now you miss the point altogether. Now you are just a circus freak like the band that you used to criticise before. 

So please put your vagina away and make this be about the people for a change.


posted by 3Men On a Boat at 12:39 PM


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